Burch 4 B-Street

  • Redwood.js
  • Postmark
  • Postgres

The Idea

The artistic director for the theatre company in Sacramento, B-Street Theatre, was retiring. The board of directors were looking into individuals who might fill the roll, and I designed a website where individuals from the theatre community around Sacramento to share their support of Lyndsay Burch, who was a long time member of the B-Street community.


web portfolio

A welcome page greets users with the history and background of Lyndsay and her contributions to the theatre community.

web portfolio

Users have the ability to write letters with varying levels of support to the board of directors. Individuals could upload their own letters, or have the site generate an entirely pre-written, or partially written support email.

Learnings & Improvements

Throughout this project I researched multiple API’s for sending emails and learned how to set up transactional emails, in addition to becoming more familiar with the general scope and implementation of email protocols and standards across the web.

I implemented the Filestack API to enable users to upload documents and PDF’s for pre-written letters they wanted to make available.