Alpenglow Learning

  • MongoDB Atlas
  • GraphQL
  • Next.js
  • Prisma
  • Styled Components

The Idea

Alpenglow learning was inspired by the learning platform used by Summit Schools (the Summit Personalized Learning Platform) that was initially developed as a closed-source platform by the Zuckerburg-Chan foundation.

My goals was to develop a platform similar to the Summit PLP, so teachers and students could manage their learning process throughout a school year.


web portfolio

Teacher can create courses with different “playlists” that help students focus their studies.

web portfolio

Student playlists have “objectives” that must be learned. A teacher-provided quiz can be requested, and once the student passes the quiz, the playlist score can be updated.

web portfolio

Students and instructors could view all their playlist scores for each subject area.

web portfolio

Student have a personalized page for each class they are enrolled, with scores for their attempted playlists, along with an area to set weekly goals and a simple to-do list.

Learnings & Improvements

On of my main learning from creating this application was the use of role-based authentication. This application has views specific to teacher or students, and the roles need to be authenticated appropriately. I accomplished this by having a role type on the user objects, set on sign-up, which would control the views and routes the user could access.